The purpose of Building Rehabilitation Discipline is to identify the causes and degradation types in buildings and to identify and select the intervention measures for an efficient rehabilitation.

Selective references:

  1. Budescu M., Ţăranu N., Ciongradi I., Isopescu D., Gavrilas I., Ciupală A.M., Lungu I., Oprişan G., (2003), Building Rehabilitation, "Matei-Teiu Botez" Academic Publishing House, Iaşi;
  2. Ţăranu, N., Isopescu, D., (1996), Structures Made of Composite Materials, Vesper Publishing House, Iaşi;
  3. Hassapis S., (1999), The Rehabilitation and Conservation of Old Masonry Historic Structures With the Use of FRPs, Degree of Master of Philosophy, University of Sheffield.

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